Monday, August 11, 2014

Funny Papers 2

More editorial cartoons 
starring PIBBLES 
for your amusement.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Summer of Pibble Love-Hippy Makeovers Galore!

The Summer of 2014 seems to be a battle between media outlets between who can woo the most pit bull fans with the glossiest and glowing fluff pieces about that poor maligned breed of dog,
the pibbly-wibbly poo.

Just as Huffington Post ended a week long series, and pibbly-wibbly poo added a fatality or two and scores of serious maimings of people and pets, the Irish Mirror jumped on the rehabilitation bandwagon with this series of "Hippy makeovers". 

Pit Nutter Circus was inspired in turn, to give an image makeover to some of the most despised serial killers in history.  Is it possible, they were just misunderstood?  Their mommies loved them surely!
Bloody Groovy Baby!
Neither serial killerypoos Aileen Wuornos nor Jeff Dahmer were stoned, but both did receive the death penalty for their crimes.

Had Kim Jong Ilipoo a bong, he may have not been so angry and "ronley".  He was just so cute and cuddly!

Adolfy Poo and Pibbly Wibbly Poo sing folk songs for you!  Both Guitars and Pibbles kill Fascists.

Had Joey Stalin been  around today, why we could have neutered him and filed his teeth down and dressed him up like a hippfied Mickey,  and he and millions could have lived in peace.

Click here and read about Mickey's live web cam!
Isn't he an adorable Pitty?

Osamapoo  and Pibbles wish you Peace to Pieces.