Friday, December 6, 2013

Grumpy Puppy

Grumpy Puppy smells a kid.  Yum.  Something in me awakens!

Feed the kid and fatten him up!  In six months, he will be ripe and so will I!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Don't Gobble Gobble and don't get Gobbled

Here is a collection of photos to copy and post on your fridge.  These disturbing images are sure to take away even a truck driver's appetite, or even Oprah's or Paula Deen's, by the power of sheer revulsion.   You may appear on Dr. Oz! 

Happy Thanksgiving, and be thankful for every day that passes that you or those you love, 
are not gobbled by pit bulls.  Bad puns are fun.

I'm thankful you didn't make a hat out of cranberry sauce., Oh so you did.....poor kitty!  

No.  You can have the onion and garlic, and here, have some sugar free gum, your breath is terrible.  (Kidding!)

Killer turkey and sweet potato pie.  I'll never touch the stuff ever again.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sergeant Stubby's Homely Pit Art Show II

Mood Music!

 Sing Along!

It was 90 years ago today,
That a ugly little Stubby Stray,
That a Corporal stole away,
On a Ship that was bound away,
To the WWI bloody fray!
And no matter what the PBAM says...

Stubby is a Boston Terrier, so THERE!

It's Sergeant Stubby's Homely Pit Art Show,
We hope you will enjoy the Show!
It's Sergeant Stubby's Homely Pit Art Show,
Get a brown bag just in case you BLOW!
It's Sergeant Stubby's Homely
Sergeant Stubby's Homely,
Sergeant Stubby's Homely

"No matter how much washing of my history, I'm just an ugly little Boston Terrier mutt" says Sergeant Stubby.

Bow Wow to the Pit Bull or I'll give you a mauling!

Totem of Fragile Masculinity

Still life with pit bull and cigarette butts, soon the kittens will be still life too.

The Concrete's Just for the weight dear....

You touch those berries and you'll be oozing your own juice....

Miss Pibble loves children, this one is almost ripe.

As if pit bulls couldn't be ugly enough.

A pit bull guards a Fire Breathing T-Rex. 

Pit bulls with wings SOMEHOW don't get out as often, as I've never seen one. Have you?

Behold, it's the DUMP TRUCK DOG!

Oh yes, a wall of Gangsta Graffiti makes the Neighborhood more lovely!  This  hideous mural is in support of keeping a dog named WICCA, in Montreal, alive.  She is reported to have bitten two people.  The judge said, NO!  She has since taken a trip over the Rainbow Bridge. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sergeant Stubby's Homely Pit Art Show

Sergeant Stubby is the most curious hero.  Although he did nothing really but be a mascot during a horrible, bloody war, nothing to belittle indeed and enough of a noteworthy service, he is the darling of those who need to revise history to suit their cause.  He is the mascot to all of those who scream "THAT IS NOT A PIT BULL" in the latest media report of some horrible, bloody little battle involving a pit bull.  It seems not even pit bull enthusiasts can correctly identify a pit bull.

However, today I checked Wikipedia, and  today, Sergeant Stubby is identified as a Boston Terrier.  Not a month ago, I could have checked, and he would have been a pit bull. Stubby is a historical magician and shapeshifter.  Look up Gladiolus, Comidia dell' Arte, or Tea, and you will be given the most salient information presented concisely, with M.L.A. style links provided in the most scholarly fashion.   Wikipedia is usually such a good source for most information, as long as it's not controversial and surrounded in any conjecture.  However, on the subject of  Ronald Regan or J.F.K., or anything to do with pit bulls,  or Sergeant Stubby linked through a revisionist lobby's desire for a hero, it's enough to give the mostly good free and publicly created source of information a bad pit bulls.  

Today, however Sergeant Stubby is identified as a Boston Terrier.

"Stubby was a stray Boston Terrier (formerly known as a Boston Bull Terrier) dog that appeared at Yale Field in New Haven, Connecticut while a group of soldiers were training." 

I'm not taking a screen shot.  
You will just have to take my word for it. 

So, in honor of Sergeant Stubby, real war hero and mascot, rotting away at the Smithsonian in your little glass case with all the secrets we will never know, including your dubious
ART? SHOW  in you your honor,  that we could call art for all its effort and good intentions, and above all, inspiration.  

Help, I've fallen and I can't get up.

Gauguin was considered to be one of the Fauve, 
or "Wild Beasts".  This tribute shows the moment before
 the wild beast turns the kitty into something that looks it went through a Marcel Duchamp cubist machine.

A toast to Sergeant Stubby with some fine
Two buck Boon's Farm from Walmart!


This pit bull's name is Hannibal.

Here, he eats Poodle liver with fava beans and a nice Chiante.

Pit bulls make their own art too.
This one smells a lot like poo.
This is "Fine Art" folks.

Some great heritage it is too, racism and dog fighting......

Remember carving soap as a past time diversion?  Pit bulls enjoy carving too.

A Minimalist piece that may inspire some performance art. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Smoke and Mirror Show

The adorable qrstu, rocks da hot pink bob with her emotional support  Pibble, Twinkie.

O.K., I made that up, but I didn't make THIS one up!

It would almost be a comedy if it didn't put so many people at risk, 
and wasn't an example of an escalating fraud. 

To cope with this, I purchased a kit for my PTSD support Tiger, Snickerdoodle. 

 I've been agoraphobic ever since the pit bull attack. 

Sometimes, I take him to the school, and the children read to him and give him treats. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nutter Bumperstickers

Is that why I don't like them?

That may not be legal in most states.....

Some men may appreciate the warning.....

This is also known as Best Friends Animal Sanctuary!


As if pit bulls were not scary enough.....
Yes, indeed.  Blame the other end of the leash.  B.S.L. NOW!

No, he may be in heaven instead.....
That's so funny!  Stop the Racism!

Just ask a pit bull victim!